Several people have asked about re-routing the shower water direct to the exterior
(or to other possible means of catching the shower water). The photos below show
how easy it can be done although the actual hook-up was not done in these photos.
Crawl under the vehicle and right under the shower pan you'll find this strange
metal box sticking down. It's the one that usually interferes with the gray water
holding tank release cable on the model HD and QD. Remove a few screws around the
flange of the small metal box and you'll find the actual drain pipe of the shower
all packed with fiberglass insulation which is a feeble attempt by Winnebago to
keep the shower drain from freezing in cold weather.
Examine this drain you'll find nothing more than two elbow which connect to the
line that runs back inside the coach and on to the shower drain pump and ultimately
into the black water holding tank (normally the gray water tank on all other RVs).
It would be so easy to install a two-way valve which would divert water to a
simple "dump hose" directed to the ground (or other area) or to its normal path
of the black water tank. Use your imagination. In these photos, the gray water valve
cable and mechanisms were removed for maintenance.

Additional Modifications: