The Visitor Center Building with a large parking area directly
in front with some electrical hook ups along one side.
Visitor Center sign that can't be missed from the roadway.
Note that there are two tours each day during the summer months.
The Winnebago Rally Grounds showing the individual sites with
electric hookups. The red post off to the left near the roadway is a water
station. The factory facility can be seen off on the right side of the picture.
The Winnebago Rally Grounds showing the double roadways around
the grounds. The Red Barn in the back is a meeting/eating facility.
Not shown in the photo are the various dump stations placed around the facility
similar to the water stations.
The Customer Service and Parts Center located across the street
from the Visitor Center. There is a small "camping area" with electrical hook
ups just off to the right side where customers can wait in their RV until
their turn comes.
Inside the engine compartment showing the 201 HP VW engine.
Note the "V6" emblem on the front grill which is not on the vehicles when
they arrive from VW.
MY 2002 Rialta on display at the Visitor Center. This is the
first time I have ever seen one on display there. Supposedly they claim they
could never get an extra one built in time for their own use.
Custom Wheels available beginning with MY 2002 (and yes, they
are 16"). And yes, the ugly disc brake caliper and rotor are plainly visible.
New EuroVans awaiting to be converted into campers
More EuroVans. I was surprised that they continue to make
this many.
EV cabs used for Rialta production in storage area. These
cabs are all marked for a production order and will be moved to the Frame
Shop soon. Note that the 16" wheels are installed and that both cabs include
an OEM seat which gets removed in the Frame Shop and is returned to VW.
EV cabs attached together awaiting movement to Frame Shop
in preparation for Rialta use. Note that there is no "V6" emblem on the front
Frame Shop and Chassis Storage Area. Note the double row of
EV cabs on the left side. The larger Class A chassis are stored off on the
right side.
Outside the Frame Shop showing EV cabs with the rear chassis
attached awaiting movement to the Rialta Assembly area. You can clearly see
that the back wall of the cab has been cut away.
Frame Shop where the VW seat is removed, the back wall opened
up, and the Winnebago chassis attached to the EuroVan cab chassis. The vehicle
wiring harness changes are effected at this time also.
Another view of the Frame Shop showing various vehicles being
prepped. The larger chassis in the foreground are for Class A RVs. You can
see the large amount of Class A chassis being stored in the fields off in
the background.