To this date I have not found any suitable cover that provides a reasonable fit for the Rialta. It is doubtful that there would ever be one designed specifically for the Rialta due to the limited number of Rialtas on the road. It is possible for you to custom order one tailored for the Rialta but be aware that the costs of such a special fit will be at least $500 to $1000 or more.
If you do purchase one of the "universal" designs, then be prepared for lots of hanging material in certain areas. You might be able to use some bungee type cords to hold the material down so that it doesn't flap in the wind. The cost varies with the type of material used and may range anywhere from $50 to $300 for such universal designs. There is another downside to owning a vehicle cover and that is the problem of what to do with it when you take it off. It will never fold up as flat as it originally was so it will never fit back into the original container. And if you take it off in wet or icy weather, then you would need to lay it flat somewhere so that it can dry out before being reinstalled. Additional Accessories: